The overarching aim of the Water Framework Directive is to…
Virtual consultation room on the draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland 2022–2027
LAWPRO have launched a Virtual Consultation Room to help facilitate public engagement and participation in the public consultation process on the draft River Basin Management Plan (dRBMP), which is open for a six-month public consultation up to 31 March 2022.
The Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) has distilled information in the draft River Basin Management Plan and presented it in this innovative online platform. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic and public health advice, in-person public meetings cannot take place.

You can access background information on water quality, both nationally and in your county, and find out what’s in the plan. The room includes video, presentations, images, and text.
There is an easy-to-use online submission form to submit your views and comments.
Get involved and have your say on water quality matters and this plan for the next six years via