Registration is now open for the first EPA climate change…
EPA Annual Climate Change Conference, Wednesday 15 May 2024
Registration is now open for the EPA Annual Climate Change Conference on 15 May 2024 – Ireland Living in a Changed Climate with Gabriel Makhlouf, Governor of the Central Bank, as keynote speaker.
This conference will highlight the evidence and emerging research relating to adaptation and climate resilience in Ireland. Keynote speakers and panellists will highlight the adaptation issues facing sectors and how they are assessing and dealing with them.
Speakers will bring a diverse perspectives and insights on flooding and water quality, heritage, commerce, conservation and tourism and society.
In addition to prestigious keynote speakers, this event will include panel question and answer sessions on how sectors are managing the emerging impacts of climate change now, and how Ireland can respond to the adaptation and resilience challenge.
The event will be relevant to policy makers, local and regional government, agencies, professionals, NGOs and academics dealing with climate change challenges.
Where and when?
Wednesday 15 May 2024 09:30-14:30
Hibernia Conference Centre, Dublin Castle – and live streamed online.
Register now:
For further information regarding the event, assistance registering and any queries please contact Go West Conference and Event Management:
About Ireland’s climate
The climate in Ireland is changing in line with global temperature increases.
Changes in:
- levels of precipitation;
- sea level rise, temperature,
- chemistry and salinity;
- increased storms, greater frequency of heatwaves;
- changes in hydrology; and
- phenology,
are some of the changes either being currently experienced or expected.
The cost of adapting to this changed environment is significant and careful planning is required. This conference will draw from European and National perspectives and will connect this with the experience of those living with and adapting to climate change and the strategic adaptation responses across sectors in Ireland.