Over 3 school weeks (March 11 to April 12 2024)…
Student citizen scientists – help evaluate the health of your local river ecosystem
This is a school-based ‘Rivers as Ecosystems‘ citizen science campaign coordinated by the EEU, An Taisce and sponsored by the EPA. Over 3 school weeks from March 19 to April 11 teachers and students will visit their local stream/river to assess the health using a water quality kit supplied to your school.
Is your school situated near a river or stream? Ever wondered how healthy that river is? Now is your chance to find out.
This campaign encourages students to first make a visual assessment of their local river using sight, smell, and sounds. They can then carry out some GLOBE protocols to measure and assess the river’s health.

Those who wish to take the project further could implement a campaign in their community to clean up their river and improve the water quality. You could then go back and carry out the protocols again to see if your actions have made a positive impact. This, however, is optional – only for those who have the time.
The results will be used by the EPA to increase understanding of water quality and river health across Ireland. Full teacher support including resources, equipment, and instructions will be provided.
Learn more:
Please note: In order to take part in this campaign, you must be a teacher and you are required to commit to taking your students to a river/stream at least once in order to carry out some tests.
You can contact the GLOBE Ireland team at globe@eeu.antaisce.org with any queries.
The link to register is: https://arcg.is/1S01zC0